Córdoba - Argentina
Health Care
Contact Center
+ 60 agents
- Replace an expensive Siemens Hipath 400 PBX
- Extend the functionalities of the Contact Center in terms of metrics and quality reports.
- Garantizar la transparencia.
Garantizar flexibilidad en términos de integración de la telefonía y la gestión de turnos.

Resultados :
– Ahorro de costes
– Fácil y rápida Inter-conectividad entre sedes
– Optimización de la eficiencia del Contact Center gracias al Smart IVR
– Métricas avanzadas
– Siempre online (Alta Disponibilidad)
The proprietary and licensed systems, and an architecture difficult to maintain and scale, made any possibility of improvement or adhesion of new functionalities impossible. For these reasons, the entity reinforced the search for a solution not only in order to modernize the architecture, but also to consolidate and standardize communications between distributed health centers.
In this way, it managed to migrate towards our technologies in a transparent and gradual way, meticulously executing each migratory procedure to guarantee transparency and continuity in the service. Freetech Solutions® also implemented a Smart IVR, which allows the shift management system to route incoming traffic based on criteria (for example, patient prepaid), interact with the dates of their shifts, all in an automated way. Post-call Satisfaction Surveys, in turn, improve the patient’s experience.

PBX de Comunicaciones Unificadas

IVR Blaster (ICS)

Suite de Contact Center

Hardware de Telefonía
Buenos Aires - Argentina
Customer Service
Contact Center
+ 70 Posiciones
Telecentro S.A. It is one of the leading companies in the “Triple-Play” service offer (Internet, Telephony, Television), both for end customers and for companies and businesses. It has multiple Datacenters distributed in Capital and Province of Buenos Aires, with the objective of providing ample coverage to its subscribers.
The increase in telephone flow and the new digital trends caused several instabilities in the application processes, bottlenecks in database processes and load peaks with loss of packages in real-time engines. Scaling became a problem, and even more using an abstraction layer such as VMware.
Telecentro entrusted Freetech Solutions® with an Optimization Project, from which it was possible to migrate the services to a stable and secure technology, while providing advanced reporting modules with Quality Assurance management. This experience allowed raising Customer Satisfaction to outstanding levels.
– Reemplazar arquitectura Open Source obsoleta e inestable.
– Brindar un Centro de Contactos de Avanzada
– Proveer de Métricas y Gestión de Grabaciones eficiente
– Brindar Alta Redundancia en VMware

Resultados :
– Incremento notable de Llamadas Atendidas
– Mejora significativa en el Customer Experience
– Métricas relevantes para toma de decisiones.
– Redundancia y Mantenimiento sencillo.

PBX de Comunicaciones Unificadas

IVR Blaster (ICS)

Discado Predictivo